Today Jenna let me know that I have been horrible about updating my blog (Love you, lol). Here is a quick update- and for those of you who have requested more info--I will be calling you. :)
School is going well. Still trying to
balance school and work and what I have of a social life. Still spending a lot of time with my nose in the books--but I am almost done with school which will bring greater happiness to my life than any
mocktail party.
Boyfriend... yes. I have been dating one of my
best friends since June and we are now officially official. Facebook official, in fact. We love each other quite a bit...and I think having spent much of 2009/2010 as
legitimately JUST friends) has actually made us closer than any relationship I've had before.
So? What happened?The short version: We have been good friends for awhile/he was my home-teacher, talked every night until late, hung out often and talked about our recent/past relationships, life in general, etc. Neither one had really considered ACTUALLY dating...I admit I thought he was pretty cute at times, but I had a boyfriend so it was
never an option.
May- He was tagged in some pics on Facebook and I looked through them. I realized at that moment that I had never looked at his facebook pictures before. I browsed through some of the good times from the previous semester and found a picture of him that made me smile. I thought,
"He is so cute and sweet to me, I love him..."..."wait, shut up, did I just think that?"June- I told him I thought he was cute...and that I thought I might be interested in
maybe kinda sorta maybe trying to sort He was surprised. Agreed. Transition was easy but
tada! We are together.Really, those are the only bits of
breaking news in my life right now. I moved into a new home with a roommate that I ADORE. We have a lot of fun together.
I will try to post more often rather than giving monthly updates. :)