What do they teach? Hope to the lost. Faith to the confused. Compassion to the lonely. Service to those in need. And much more.
Our missionaries are placed in the "MTC", (Missionary Training Center) for a very short period of time to sometimes learn foreign languages. A missionary could be sent to Tiawan, Japan, Germany, or even California.
I am only packing a few weeks of my life away. I can't imagine packing 2 YEARS of my life away. What would I bring? Only things that I would totally NEED right?
1. Contacts and Glasses
2. Clothes
3. Bathroom supplies/grooming
4.My lap top (Missionaries cannot bring these though. Nor cell phones.)
5. My PHONE (Even though it doesn't work in Germany)
6.My scriptures
7. The ankle braces that Melissa let me borrow for my sprained ankles. Yup. I have TWO.
8.My Ogio backpack for school
9.Work out clothes. Duh.
10.An umbrella...it is Europe.
11. My stuffed animal bunny that my mom sent me about 3 Easters ago. I sleep with it still haha.
12. Mace... ...what? Yeah I saw "Taken".
13. A towel...or two...or five?
14. My fuzzy slippers and robe
15. Face towels
16.My journal
17. A bunch of granola, Power, and Cliff bars.
18. Ipod
19. A picture of my boyfriend and family.
AND 20. Lots of defrizzifying hair product. You have NO idea what my hair can do...
Okay, so maybe some of those things are a little unnecessary. But some of them are VERY necessary and very needed!!
Emily had to talk me out of a panic attack last night when I realized I had nothing packed and I am leaving in less than 48 hours. We did a little shopping, bought a few last minute items, and figured out what I NEED. She was great at Target, "Girl, you don't need that...", "ummm yeah that would be NICE to have, but it is 40 dollars. Do you need it? Really??"
haha. Sometimes I said, "no, you are right" and put it back.
...and sometimes I said quite frankly "YES" and tossed it in my little shopping basket.
The camera is charged, suitcase is almost packed, and I haven't eaten anything all day because I have been working from home and doing laundry all day. mehh!
Here are a few pictures from our packing extravaganza.
Needless to say...we didn't get a whole lot done. :)
Ha ha ha. Have fun and be safe!!!